"Mass Effect: Andromeda" is confirmed to get a 4K display. Given the latest details, the fans reportedly demands more information regarding the characters, especially the new suits, the Ryder family, including other new details in the alien world.

Based on latest reports, BioWare appears to be busy working on the forthcoming N7 event to announce more details. BioWare's creative director Mac Walters reportedly teases some information, saying that the game is not only a sequel but a "hero's journey."

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" Characters

In "Mass Effect: Andromeda," the players may choose between a female or a male Ryder, although the character that will not be chosen will also have a role as both are apparently siblings. Based on reports, the character seen in the trailer was confirmed to be a Ryder family patriarch; however, fans may have to wait before finding out if the relationships fit together, although it is apparent that familial bond plays an important role in the storyline.

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" Suits

"Mass Effect: Andromeda's" pathfinder new suit will reportedly resemble a NASA astronaut outfit. Some fans believe that it does not appear defensive or combatant as the suit is mostly white in color. Moreover, the new alien world is believed to depict an advanced culture with the highest technology, where concrete and metal come face-to-face with organic plants around. In addition, the characters would have two feet and can be seen walking like humans, Tweak Town reported.

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" Release

Meanwhile, "Mass Effect: Andromeda's" initial launch date was reported to be originally set in the last quarter of 2016; however, the release was postponed in order for the last tweaks to perfect the game.

Although the upcoming N7 event is believed to finally reveal a release date, some "Mass Effect: Andromeda's" reports suggest that a listing of the game's artbook on Amazon may have likely confirmed it to be March 21. With the said event fast approaching, fans are expecting that it will not be long until they discover something more interesting to make the wait a little easier, Cultured Vultures reported.

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