On Monday, a mysterious hacker group who called themselves as "The Shadow Brokers," claimed to have breached the computer systems used by the Equation Group.

Equation Group, is a government cyberattack hacking team associated with the National Security Agency (NSA), in which the team released a number of the organization's hacking tools.

The Equation Group team consists of a highly sophisticated cyberspies that the anti-virus program developer Kaspersky discovered last year, in which they were hacking targets globally and has been linked to the NSA based in part on evidence from former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee - Edward Snowden, according to Zero Hedge.

The "Shadow Brokers" claimed to have breached the system of the Equation Group, and asserted that they are holding an auction to sell off the cyber weapons they were able to run off with. And to prove their legitimacy, the "Shadow Brokers" released a sample of the stolen data as well as the free to access to the files.

The mysterious hacker group posted a message online which stated "how much will you pay for enemies cyber weapons?" The message also asserted that as they hacked Equation Group, they found a bunch of Equation Group cyber weapons. And they will give some Equation Group files for free, But the best files are up for an auction, Wired reported.

However, cybersecurity experts are searching for answers after the cyber attack.

The CEO of cybersecurity startup Comae Technologies - Matt Suiche, has also been examining the sample files of the hackers, and stated that he haven't tested it yet, but they definitely looked like legitimate exploits.

While the technologist for Amnesty International - Claudio Guarnieri, hit on his Twitter account and pointed out that as the most recent File Modification is dated June 2013, this could mean that whoever is behind the hacker group has been sitting on the files for years, according to Business Insider.

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