"No Man's Sky" has been giving players difficulties on PC, but a new experimental patch from the video game developer Hello Games might help.

The launch of the action-adventure survival video game last week was not breathtaking, as many gamers experienced an irritating performance issues, and some of them were unable to play the "No Man's Sky" video game at all.

Based on the letter of Hello Games, the new patch addresses the jittery framerate, turns off Gsync by default, as well as enabling the effectively alt-tab back into the game, according to PC Gamer.

If a person is able to play the game satisfactorily already, it's not necessary to install this patch right away, as it's still classified as experimental. If a gamer is having issues, the issues can be directed by these workarounds, Hello Games offer suggestions about doing it, instead of installing the patch.

However, for those individuals who can't wait that long, the patch is easy to try, and besides it can also be removed if it just makes things worse.

To install the patch of the survival video game, look for the game's listing in the Steam Library tab and then right-click it. From the drop-down menu that appears, select Properties and in the window that opens, tick over to the Betas tab.

Then, in the text box, type 3xperimental and click the Check code button. A message will pop up stating that the game's "experimental" branch is active. Lastly, click the pulldown menu on the Betas tab and select experimental - Experimental, based on the report of Mashable.

On the other hand, there is also a way to ensure "No Man's Sky" performs at least half as well as it should. As one of the most reported issues with the game is the framerate being far lower than players expected. The best way to conquer this issue is to set the framerate limit option to Max. Game Rant reported.

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