The legal dispute between Apple and Qualcomm has reportedly brought Intel in the picture for the possibility of supplying baseband processors modem for iPhone 8. The dethronement of Qualcomm's from Apple smartphone's heart could possibly be the reason for bridging the gap between LTE and 5G network through the new Intel modems.

Apple and Qualcomm Legal Disputes Escalates

The legal battle between Apple and Qualcomm has reportedly taken to the next level when the Cupertino giant filed the fourth lawsuit against the dominant chipmaker over an alleged chip monopoly. According to The Verge, the fourth lawsuit of Apple filed in UK has gathered attention compared to the other three with the first one filed back in January.

The lawsuit entails about Apple's claim on Qualcomm's unfair royalties charging to technologies they don't know anything about. To recall, the Federal Trade Commission has also sued Qualcomm for violations under anti-competition law for abusing its title as the dominant chipmaker in US and China.

In relation to that, Qualcomm has repeatedly denied the allegations made by Apple and FTC. In fact, the company's spokesperson said that they haven't seen the complaint yet, thus, they are not in the right position to comment on the matter.

Intel Found its Way to iPhone 8's Heart

The impending legal dispute of Apple and Qualcomm has reportedly opened the doors for Intel to iPhone 8's heart. According to PC Mag, the upcoming iPhone has the possibility to host the new Intel XMM 7560 modem which will eventually make it as the world's first smartphone to feature a 5G network.

Intel 7560 modem competes with Qualcomm's X16 in the gigabit LTE battle. Since the new modem now supports CDMA and LTE, chances are higher for Intel to out-boxed Qualcomm as Apple's apple of the eye which could spell trouble for the latter's sales revenue.

Topics IPhone 8, Apple