Recently, the "Pokémon Sun and Moon" franchise came into the Nintendo 3DS console introducing new generation of Pokémon in the Alola region. Rumor has it that Nintendo's hybrid console Switch could soon receive its first Pokémon game which will be called "Pokémon Stars."

Eurogamer's Deputy News Editor Tom Phillips has taken the first information in regard the upcoming game, stating that it is already well into development eyeing a 2017 launch. The Switch game iteration will carry the codename "Pokémon Stars."

"Earlier generations of Pokémon games have featured a third title launched later with expanded features - Pokémon Yellow followed Game Boy originals Red and Blue to start this trend, which continued through until Pokémon Platinum followed Diamond and Pearl on DS." Phillips wrote.

The idea came across with putting a mainline Pokémon series covering separate Nintendo consoles with the same generation of games. With "Pokémon Stars," Nintendo Switch will be the first Nintendo "home" console to receive a main Pokémon adventure, reviving the idea after 20 years.

"We've also heard suggestion there will be more creatures to collect in the Switch version, although not all of our sources could confirm this," Phillips added.

According to The Verge, like "Pokémon Yellow," "Pokémon Crystal" and other enhanced releases for each generation of the series, "Pokémon Stars" promises to have the same features and maps as its earlier siblings.

The Switch version of "Pokemon Sun and Moon" will also use the same Aloha map, routes, cities and characters, although further improvements may be expected that takes advantage of the Switch's unique hardware.

Franchise's developer Game Freak is rumored to resume the development of the "Pokémon Stars" game after the "Sun and Moon" launch. Rumors indicated that the upcoming game will not shadow the "Sun and Moon" franchise.

Phillips even suggested how both games could produce a new experience for players on different consoles, where he says "Pokémon will be tradable between Sun/Moon and Stars via the Pokémon Bank app. We've also heard suggestion there will be more creatures to collect in the Switch version, although not all of our sources could confirm this."

The idea of "Pokémon Stars" franchise as an updated version after a major release was done in the past with Pokémon Red and Blue series turning into the updated version Pokémon Yellow. However this time, the production team will be updating a game into a different console prior to the initial release.