‘Pokemon GO Buddy’ Updates: Articuno Needs 5km of Walking to Earn Candy; How About for Legendary Pokemons? [DETAILS HERE]
By"Pokemon GO Buddy" has deemed to be an effective ones to players who spend time exploring its advantages. Just like getting to know how much walking does a pokemon needed. For Articuno its 5km to earn candy and the list continues for all other wild creatures including the legendary ones.
Yibada provided a list of Pokemons with their corressponding required distance to be able to earn candies. Among of the list are Articuno who needs 5km, Charmander and Bulbasaur for 3km and Fearow for 1km. According to Yibada, the list was released by Niantic Labs to be able to assist the players in using the "Pokemon GO" buddy feature.
In addition from the same source, there are creatures who needs 10 kilometers of walking but this has not been confirmed by Niantic yet. However, the site predicted that the specific distance is reserved for Legendary Pokemons.
How does the buddy system works?
As per Forbes report, right at the beginning of the game or at the basic levels, the buddy system provides a player a Pokemon who follows around but outside of its Pokeball. Through walking, candies are obtained depending on the distance needed by the Pokemon buddy. The trainer can also let his Pokemon to sit in his shoulder to feel the bond.
The Forbes added that this feature is by means of Niantic Labs to addressed the concerns on Pokemon who were not able to evolve due to scarcity. The feature can be activated by tapping the "buddy" in the lower right of the screen.
Pokemon GO Plus with Pedometer
Though this feature has its own benefits, players are hoping for a Pokemon GO Plus with pedometer for easy tracking of distance made from walking. The device is already out but no pedometer was ever mentioned during its launching.
Niantic has released major updates for Pokemon GO this month. Aside from the Buddy System, Pokemon GO is now available in Apple Watch.