A lot of people are buying Christmas presents online or at the various retail stores. Most Americans are keen on finding deals and discounts in order to save some money but still be able to buy a gift for their loved ones. But there is a new trend in New York City called Dumpster Diving that may solve a lot of New Yorkers' problems.

New York reportedly houses wealthy college students in its various schools and universities. And they are considered to be the source of Dumpster Divers' holiday shopping.

College students have been spotted throwing away their smart phones, laptops and even cameras as they get ready to break for the holidays. Most likely, these students are already anticipating a newer model of what they threw away. As they get ready to head home, a lot of these students throw away their stuff in massive bins outside the campus instead of donating them to charity, as reported by 9 News.

This is where the Dumpster Diving frenzy begins. Jeff Seal, a film maker, was able to capture hundreds of New Yorkers diving into these massive piles of trash. It is known as "Punk Christmas," an annual tradition where scavengers find the best products in piles and piles of garbage.

According to Seal, the scavengers would often tell him that most of the products they find in the bins are brand new and sometimes unopened. One scavenger was able to get a few phones for himself, some laptops and a brand new camera, as reported by the Gothamist. Seal says that it is crazy that a lot of these things are being thrown out instead of giving them to charity.

The film maker, who is also a dumpster diver, said that schools would often rent huge dumpster bins to hold the trash. He even points out that even though most universities and colleges have a collection room, students would rather throw them in the trash.

Check out the latest news regarding the NYC Dumpster Diving below!

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