On Wednesday, Harvard University resumed the first day of its own Resistance School, a four-week class about how to protest against Donald Trump. As if hungry to oust the regime of a real-life Voldemort, the liberal students at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government created the course.

Basically, the program aims to "train activists" through a series of formal lectures and online classes. Interactive homework and projects are also given to "strengthen" the skills of the students in resisting the Trump agenda. Well, this movement sounds pretty much like the "Dumbledore Army" in "Harry Potter", except for the secrecy and magic.

According to YNaija, the organizers of the Harvard Resistance School said that they currently have more than 3,000 groups composed of 10,000 people in total. More so, this is just for the first class. The program's website, on the other hand, shows very interesting class titles such as "How to Communicate our Values in Political Advocacy" and "How to Structure and Build Capacity for Action."

Meanwhile, one of the highlights of the program is a subject entitled "How to Sustain the Resistance Long-Term". Joseph Breen, one of the founders of Resistance School, told USA Today that they have already reached up to 50 states in the US and that they are already gaining attention in six continents. The group the posted via its Facebook page that people lost something bigger than just the presidency itself last November 8. For one, the Earth is now at risk because Trump withdrew the budgets of climate change research projects.

To be specific, informal meetings with a group of friends, who were concerned about the outcome of the US elections, fueled up the campaign. From the private meetings, the participants started making a plan on how to stay active in their communities. Lastly, the organizers urge everybody to participate in the live-streamed workshops with political campaigners and inspirational communicators.