The human brain is a very complex part of your body, and more and more studies are being conducted to understand the complexities of the brain and its functions.

Through the studies and research of many scientists, they have found that just like our fingerprints, our brains also have a unique map of brain connections which is called connectomes. These connectomes are unique to each and every individual, according to a new research from Carnegie Mellon University.

Dr. Timothy Verstynen, an assistant professor of psychology at the university and one of the study's authors, told Huffington Post "In a way, we are showing what neuroscience has always assumed to be true but not yet shown: We are our own unique neural snowflake,"

"The wiring diagram of our brain is specific to each of us."

Neuroscientists aim to use this study of the brain to detect the development of certain psychiatric and neurological disease, and if possible prevent them.

The connectomes of each person's brains were so distinct that they can be used to accurately identify each individual, and detect information about his genes, cognition and neurological health and even his life experiences. One of the most surprising things that the research revealed is that a person's connectome can actually change over time and it is brought about by life experiences.

"If I scanned you once now and once again next month, your local connectome would likely have changed about 13 percent," Verstynen said. "Also, we looked at genetically identical twins and asked how similar their connection profiles were. It turns out that their brains were more dissimilar than they were similar - only about 12.5 percent similarity. Thus our experiences go a very long way to sculpting the connections in the brain."

It might be too early to tell how this study can help treat mental illness in the future but it could possibly help predict the development some mental disorders.