iOS 10.0.1 Jailbreak Tool Likely To Release This November [RUMORS]; Has iOS 10 Weakened Backup Security?
ByiOS 10 is the tenth major operating system (OS) build from Apple which has officially been rolled out, and jailbreak fans are leaving no stone unturned to figure out if the latest OS could be jailbroken. Much to their delight, it turned out that it's possible, but regrettably the tool is not expected to come out anytime soon.
Luca Todesco, an acclaimed security researcher who is known as @qwertyoruiopz on Twitter, posted a pic of the cracked iPhone 7 running on the Apple's latest patched OS, the iOS 10.0.1. The tool that Todesco reportedly used is a Cydia running on version 1.1.26. However, Todesco did not divulge how he managed to crack the recently unveiled smartphone from Apple and the latest iOS 10.0.1 patch, BGR reported.
obligatory cydia screenshot
— qwertyoruiop (@qwertyoruiopz) September 21, 2016
This could be a clear indication that optimistic jailbreak fans should keep their hopes low, since the researcher has not spilled the beans about the iOS versions that he previously managed to jailbreak. Besides, Apple will be quick to fix the vulnerabilities with the latest patch that Todesco claims he managed to exploit.
Other operating system hackers, particularly team TaiG and Pangu are reportedly hard at works on developing a way for the latest iPhone users to jailbreak the latest iOS 10.0.1. Unfortunately, the team has remained mum and has not divulged any sort of update to its fans regarding the status of its attempt to crack Apple's latest OS.
If rumors proved to be true, the purported tool for iOS 10.0.1 jailbreak will be unveiled sometime in November.
Readers are advised to bear in mind that these are mere speculations and should be taken with a grain of salt.
In related news, Apple's latest iOS release seems to have made iPhone's security highly vulnerable. Though unintentionally, the latest iOS release allows access to localized backups, according to reports on Forbes.
The vulnerability was discovered by Elcomsoft, a Russian firm that has developed tools to enable its users to seize control of iPhones.
The company was working to update its phone breaker tool when it discovered that as soon as a user updates to iOS 10, all his/her backups saved after the update uses a new "password verification mechanism" that leaves out a slew of security checks, according to a recent post on Elcomsoft's official website.
Fret not! According to a statement provided to Forbes, Apple is aware of the issue and is working to fix it as soon as possible.
Stay tuned in here for more updates, news and speculations on iOS 10.0.1 jailbreak.