Every episode of the popular anime series ‘Dragon Ball Super’ is highly anticipated by the loyal fans. But how will the fans react over the rumor that episode 55 will be the last installment because Son Goku will face his untimely death?

Online reports are hinting a bad ending for the major character of Dragon Ball Super episode 55. And it is exacerbated with the rumors that this is going to be the end of it. According to Parent Herald, speculations are Son Goku will land in a tough fight with Omni-King Zeno that would result to his death. But before the battle, Beerus is speculated to summon Son Goku and told him about the Omni-King’s desire to meet with him. The meeting did not go well and Omni-King resorted to fight with Son Goku and decide to wipe out the whole universe.

In addition, Christian Daily also hinted about the possible ending of Son Goku’s life. It could be that Son Goku is very calm and relaxed during the meeting and his main objective after all is to go after Goku Black and kill him eventually.

With all the speculations, spoilers and predictions circulating in the internet, there is a possibility that episode 55 will be the last episode of the popular anime series, though this is not a confirmed information from the animators themselves. However, if it is not yet the end of the series and Son Goku will die, that will eventually lead to a birth of a new character.

On the other hand, episode 55 was supposed to air last August 16 but because of the airing of Rio Olympics 2016, the premiere was postponed to August 21. Knowing about the cancellation of airing date, fans freaked out since it is the most awaited episode of the popular anime series.

Here's the trailer of Dragon Ball Super Episode 55.