The beta save function is available in Periscope as a feature that would always be there. The beta save function brings out the search functionality. The functionality also brings out a brand new feature that would allow the user to just trade the phone for the function in the periscope, as reported in

The site further reported that the Periscope app lets the users to see a brand new feature which enables the users to look for livestreams and saved broadcasts. For instance, users can type the keyword "TNW". After users enter those terms, they can see topics or title descriptions that are in close relation to that term.

Hashtagged topics would also be available to just about anyone who search for the keyword mentioned above. Examples of hashtagged topics are #food, #travel and #music, among others.

Two new categories in periscope would enable users to get on the First Scope in the periscope app. After the users get on the First Scope, they would find the ultimate in-live streaming (Go Pros and Drones).

The #save feature is available in beta. This app would allegedly be available in primetime soon. This app allows the users to immediately save the videos within their accounts without the need to upload the videos in their accounts at a later time.

As reported in Engadget, not only does the #save feature saves the videos watched, the app also saves the chat messages and the likes the users post. The search feature would also enable the users to search for a live video using the #save feature.

A beta version of the save feature is also available. This app allows the users to add the app #save to the title. The #save to the title app allows the users to save files they found within periscope within the app.