"Overwatch" enthusiasts will have a great deal to do, as Blizzard Entertainment is giving these gamers the latest information and updates. A new update for the multiplayer first-person shooter game is now available that introduces a server browser, new patch that overhauls Bastio, and at least one new character.

The latest patch of "Overwatch" rolls out with a handful of changes, which include the overhaul of Bastion, to make the character a more versatile hero. Meanwhile, the Overwatch community is now allowed by the new custom game browser to create and share custom game modes, and can join other custom games. This allows "Overwatch" players who want to shake up their matches to easily group up and play with other like-minded gamers, according to Express.

According to Blizzard Entertainment, "Overwatch" player's ability to fine tune their desired game-type is unbelievably vigorous. For instance, if an "Overwatch" player wants to cool down from McCree's Combat Roll or boost the rocket speed of Pharah, those options are at the player's fingertips. The "Overwatch" players also have the power to remove a specific hero from players' options or create an Ilios-only map rotation.

On the other hand, the video game company continued pitching in clues about the next set of heroes to be released in the video game. There's a possibility that at least one new character will be added before the first anniversary of "Overwatch." Despite the fact that the video game developer has already started teasing the game's new character recently, the only thing known about the character is that it is most likely an android or a robot, according to Game Spot. Nonetheless, game director Jeff Kaplan stated that the upcoming character is not what the game fans think, but the "Overwatch" director is most likely referring to the highly anticipated hero, Doomfist.

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