Leaders of several colleges and universities have risen up to defend undocumented students. This comes after growing concerns about these students' futures after Donald Trump's victory at the 2016 U.S. election.

It was previously reported that hostile acts against minority students have surged in campuses across the nation after Donald Trump won as president-elect. Universities have been trying to pacify fears about the nation's future by organizing meetings and counseling sessions.

A University of Michigan student was approached by a man who told her that, if she would not remove her hijab, he would set her on fire using a lighter. The woman complied and removed her hijab. UPenn black students also received hateful, racist text messages.

According to The Washington Post, hundreds of leaders from various colleges and universities have banded together to defend students who moved to the United States while they were still children. It was noted that the Obama administration has protected these students under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

However, the program is being threatened by incoming president Donald Trump. He has been vocal about his disdain over the program. Opponents of Obama have denounced DACA as "executive overreach."

Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller confirmed that Trump is planning to "immediately terminate" Obama's "illegal executive amnesties." "The President-elect has consistently pledged to rescind all illegal and unconstitutional executive orders from the current administration, and this is one of them," Miller told the publication.

Danna Chavez Calvi, an undocumented student, revealed that "the uncertainty has skyrocketed to an unimaginable level." She is currently a senior at George Mason University.

California State University has recently vowed to protect undocumented students from Donald Trump's threats. Timothy White, chancellor of the California State University (CSU) system, announced that they want people to know that they support these students.

White added that the school will not be working with the state, local or federal law enforcement agencies to enforce federal immigration law. He has revealed that CSU police departments will not honor immigration hold requests for about 10,000 to 12,000 undocumented students.