University Buzz

Top 5 Investment Tips for the 21st Century Youth From Experts at Fire The Boss

The world of investment has left the highrise offices of Wall Street and is now accessible to anyone, with endless apps and platforms turning trading into a gamified experience. This accessibility has its downsides, mainly that today's youth are given little to no guidance on how to navigate the stock market before it's dropped neatly into their pocket via their smartphone. Fire The Boss is a free source of financial information that aims to bring freedom to those who long to be financially independent and fire their boss! Covering topics from cryptocurrency and personal finance to savings and real estate, Fire The Boss is a one-stop source for every aspect of investing. Here, the experts at Fire The Boss share with us their top-five investment tips that every 21st-century youth should know.

Top 5 Investment Tips for the 21st Century Youth From Experts at Fire The Boss
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