55% of College Students Report Brutal Hazing Following Ohio State Fraternity Suspension
Over 55% of students in organizations report experiencing hazing, even those that are not a member of fraternities.
ByIncidents of campus fraternity hazing were alarmingly increasing, with experts raising issues about the safety of students in US colleges and universities. Recently, an Alpha Tau Omega frat at Ohio State University faced interim suspension in a possible case of hazing.
The investigator's research shows that more than 55% of students included in campus clubs, organizations, and even sports team report experiencing hazing, per 10TV. The problem is further complicated by the fact that no universally accepted definition of hazing exists across states. Inconsistencies in the way it is interpreted and enforced have led to its survival.
Law Against Hazing
For Ohio, the best-implemented law is that of Collin's. Under this, hazing is considered a felony since 2021. The law further demands that universities report instances of hazing to law enforcement. Still, the problem remains a challenge since investigations mostly rely on victims who come out to testify, a thing that has not occurred in the Alpha Tau Omega case.
Prevention measures have been taken through a mandatory anti-hazing program for all students and employees who participate in organizations. Moreover, the university has awareness campaigns and summits hosted for higher education professionals for better handling of the matter. These measures help curb hazing incidents and increase safety on campus.
Hazing Prevention Network reported that recent data reflects the progress but also ongoing challenges. Allan emphasizes that since 2000, hazing-related incidents have caused 100 deaths. These tragedies underline the need for more comprehensive and unified action against hazing.
These ongoing efforts, from the legislative level downwards, continue refining the policies in institutions like Ohio State University. Ideally, it is hoped that these concerted efforts will eliminate hazing, which allows academic institutions to foster an atmosphere of respect and safety.