The percentage of students of color in Harvard Law School's latest class decreased by 8%, reflecting a broader trend among elite universities after the Supreme Court's ruling banning affirmative action in college admissions.

The newly released data on the school's website provides only an overall view, without detailing the changes for specific minority groups such as Black, Asian or Hispanic students.

Data released earlier this month showed Harvard University's freshman class also dipped 4% from the year prior.

The court's ruling, which struck down race-conscious admissions policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina, has had ripple effects across several other prestigious universities this year

Brown's class of 2028 saw a sharp decline in Black and Hispanic students, with the percentage of Black freshmen dropping by 40% and Hispanic freshmen by 29% compared to last year. Meanwhile, domestic Asian students increased by 14%.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has also reported a significant decrease in the percentage of Black, Hispanic, Native American and Pacific Islander students in its class of 2028.

Other institutions such as Yale and Princeton, however, have not experienced decreases in these populations.