The fastest camera recorded which can capture 100,000 images per second is not the fastest anymore. The new ultra-fast camera can now capture 5 trillion images per second allowing it to film the speed of light.

Scientists from Lund University in Sweden have developed the world's fastest camera and successfully captured how light travels at a distance that corresponds the thickness of a paper. The film was slowed down by a trillion times for the purpose of showing it on film.

According to scientists, they developed the camera so that it will be easier to capture the super-fast processes in chemistry, physics, biomedicine, and biology which have not been captured on film yet.

At present, the only way to capture these rapid processes is to photograph still images and repeat identical experiments to capture the other steps. After that, scientists have to edit them into a movie.

As opposed to the high-speed cameras which capture each image, the new ultra-fast camera uses an algorithm which the scientists developed as well. What the algorithm does is capture a number of coded images and creates a video sequence after that.

How does the camera do that?

It exposes the image you are trying to capture in light by using laser flashes. Each of these light pulses is then given their own unique code which the object reflects so they will merge into a single photograph.

The camera is called Frequency Recognition Algorithm for Multiple Exposures or FRAME, which uses coded light flashes acting as an encryption.

To date, a German company has already built a prototype of the technology and hopes to make it available in the market in two years time.

The study is published in the journal Light Sciences and Applications.