Different studies have proven that human emotions can not only shape a person's perception of the world but it could actually shape the physical reality around him or her. These studies and experiments have shown how human emotions defy the law of physics.
Three unrelated and separate experiments have been conducted regarding the effect of emotions in the physical world. All studies showed that people make their own realities through the feelings they project.
In the first experiment, scientists isolated a human DNA in a sealed container that was placed near the person they took it from. Then, the researchers gave the subject emotional stimulus to elicit different emotions from the person.
Surprisingly, the sealed DNA responds the same time the person responds. What's more interesting is that it responds differently to negative and positive emotions. When the subject reacts positively, the DNA relaxes and when the reaction is negative, the DNA tightens.
In the second experiment, scientists isolated leukocytes or white blood cells from the test subjects in order to measure the electrical charges as the subjects were given emotional stimulus. The same thing happened - the leukocytes experiences the same peaks and valleys as the donors' emotions at the exact same time.
The scientists wanted to make sure how far the DNA can make a connection from its source. So what they did was take the DNA 50 miles away from the donor. Despite the distance, the DNA's response is the same.
The third experiment was even more shocking. Scientists placed human DNA into a vacuum of light photons that were behaving randomly. However, when the human DNA was inserted, the photons stopped acting randomly but followed the geometry of the DNA.
In layman's terms, the physical DNA had an effect to the non-physical light photons. What's more surprising is that when the scientists removed the DNA, the photons were still in order.
These experiments show that whatever a person feels can manifest in the physical world. If a person thinks he or she will get sick, then it can become a reality. If he feels lucky, then he will be lucky in the physical realm.