UFO Sighting In California tops the list for US States with the most number of encounters with the third kind. The said list appears in the book "UFO Sightings Desk Reference" which presents data recorded from the year 2000 up to 2015. The records contained in the book speak that most Californians believes that aliens and UFOs exist.

Florida and Texas place in numbers 2 and 3, respectively. Fourth is Washington while Pennsylvania follows at number 5 while New York is sixth on the list. Arizona, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio complete the UFO sighting list, Local 4 reported.

The book presents that about 120,000 UFO sighting reports have been filed in the US. The data presented are recorded back in the year 2000 with the latest spotted in 2015. Meanwhile, about 16,000 encounters originated in the Bay Area.

According to "UFO Sightings Desk Reference" authors, the reason why these extraterrestrial phenomena happened mostly in The Golden State is due to its warm weather. The high humidity and hot temperature push Californians to go outside most of their time. For these reasons, they get the highest chance rate to witness a UFO.

The book's synopsis reads that in 1969, the US government has denied the existence of such entity and dismissed it as sham stories. Even the press and media would not treat it fairly and worse, would even ridicule the mention of UFO Sighting.

But ordinary citizens, scientists, and non-governmental organizations came together to continue the research and further matters to prove UFO's existence. Therefore, this special book for UFO-related discussion and studies has been published, Daily Mail reported.

The synopsis continues, this book major goal is to the hardest data available accessible to the general public, especially for other UFO researchers. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), UFO Sighting Analysis and supporting data complete the book's content.

You can have "UFO Sightings Desk Reference" Paper Back via Amazon for only $32.06.

Topics UFO Sighting