1. New Year's UFO Sighting in Boise, Idaho

UFO sighting 2016 has begun right after fireworks left the sky clear. This incident happened in Boise, Idaho where a man was able to catch on video of three objects in "triangular formation." The UFOs were moving towards the East covered in orange light.

According to Express UK, since it was New Year time, the floating lights could be Chinese lanterns released by luck-seekers.

Watch the footage through this link.

2. UFO flying over Ohio Military Base

Another notable UFO was spotted in Dayton, Ohio. According to Fox News, the UFO was spotted by a couple hovering around Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. This was caught on camera and posted on YouTube. Could this be a sign that aliens are spying on Earth's armory?

3. UFO gliding around Mexico City

This UFO has been spotted through the radar. Its strange movements grabbed the attention of onlookers. It appeared thrice on the weather radar. According to Scott Waring of UFO Sighting Daily, the said UFO has been coming back and forth since 2010.

With this, Alien theorists claim that Aliens have been living among humans.

4. UFO sighted glistening from the Sun

It was October when YouTuber StreetCap noticed the shiny capsule roaming around the sun. The UFO footage is grabbed from the live stream provided by the International Space Station. The space machine has a long arm-like wings where the sunlight cast through.

Are aliens spying on Earth's Space Exploration?

5. UFO sighted Down Under

A UFO was sighted circling an aircraft at Maryborough, Queensland, Australia last 28 October 2016. According to UFOR, the said UFO has circled a fighter jet and followed it for about 30 seconds. The witness described the object having a metallic build which reflected the sunlight.

However, no video will support this UFO Sighting but it became a sensation in Australia.

6. UFO sighted Down Under (now with video)

Another UFO appearance from Australia has been caught on tape. This time it appeared June 2016 at Manangle, Campbelltown Area. There were six unidentified flying objects hovering above the Australian skies. Some are seen to cover up in the clouds when a very odd looking object appeared. It looks quite the same with the usual UFO but it has vertical cuts in along its edges.

UFO Sightings are the closest evidence theorists hold to prove that Alien Invasion is actually happening. However, the main Space Exploration outlets of the Earth like NASA has never acknowledged the validity of these occurrences. Whether they true or just false assumption, still, many mysteries of this universe has not been solved by science yet.

If you know UFO sightings and stories share it in the comment below. They might be featured in the next article.