Ivy League colleges and prestigious universities are well known for their ability to provide students with high quality education with knowledgeable professors, and exclusive opportunities to work with top tier companies. Studying in an Ivy League school like Harvard offers many promising benefits apart from the quality of education.

The education provided at Ivy League schools may not be so far away or not significantly higher than a second or third tier institution but the experience is worthwhile, according to The Tide. While most people and students think that it is hard to get to these prestigious schools, especially when the costs is being considered, it actually does not have to be so hard. There are financial aids and scholarships students can take advantage of, and as to how they can score a full ride scholarship, learn from these tips shared by Jessica Yeager, a scholar and a Harvard Graduate, to Business Insider.

Do homework ahead of time

Yeager's first advice is for students not to skip the prep work, and that means that they should invest and bank plenty of time doing the preparations for the interviews, and everything else.

Meet with potential sponsors

Scholarship weekends are excellent time to meet with people from the university who do the things that the student finds interesting. This is a good chance to learn more about the school.

Keep practicing

Practicing for the interview does not have to mean memorizing a script. Just practice the stories and the significant situations that should be highlighted during the interview.

Ask questions

Scholarship weekends should be a venue for asking questions. Also make sure that these questions are not the ones that can simply be found online.

Remember that you are constantly being watched

Even in scholarship weekend, it is important to remember that someone is always watching and evaluating. Make sure not to do anything that will ruin the chances of scoring that scholarship.

Believe in one's self

It is important to feel and believe during the scholarship weekend that everything is possible.

Be thankful

Take time to send appreciation and thank you emails to those who have extended their help and taken their time to meet and talk. It will help you stand out because very few people make the efforts of doing this.

fforts of doing this.

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