Dependents of veterans will receive college scholarships and student loan from several veteran organizations. These scholarship programs extend free college education amounting to thousands of dollars.
One program gave student writers college scholarships as rewards for an Essay writing competition. Students in their senior year in high school could join a writing competition. The topic centers on principles of democracy. The national champion for the essay writing competition will receive college scholarship amounting to $30,000. The cash reward will be directly paid by the organization to the college or university chosen by the recipient, according to the Ventura County Star.
At a time when college education costs much, these college scholarships are of great help. Dependents of veterans can get college education without incurring thousands of dollars on student loans.
The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is another veteran organization that offers college scholarships in the form of student loans. The organization will not charge students with interest. This means that they will just repay the principal amount extended to help them get a college degree. To finance the program, MOAA holds fund raising programs, according to Dover Post.
There are also college scholarships under the American Legion. This scholarship is open to children of service members who perished in the 9/11 attacks in the US. The College scholarships to be offered depends on the funds raised by the organization and may amount to $20,000 per year.
Meanwhile, veterans who fought in foreign wars will be given the opportunity to take any course they want. All expenses will be shouldered by the Vietnam War Veterans group. Applicants may apply for part time or full time schooling. The amount of the scholarship depended on the college, activities, tuition fees, room and board and books when needed, according to Dispatch Argus
The college scholarships for dependents of war veterans and for themselves will be a great help in easing their way to college..