Queen's University Arts and Science Faculty Society (ASUS) recently launched a research journal where students can publish their research papers. The journal is called "Data "Journal." A website for the journal was built and faculty members and students are waiting for its first publication.
"Data Journal" was established to encourage undergraduates to do research and have their work published. Student researchers could cover topics on Computer Science and related areas. The research papers will be reviewed by the faculty members prior to publication. Sac Baum, a graduating Arts and Science student was appointed editor-in-chief of the said journal, according to The QJ.
Most students in their senior year are required to conduct a research paper on topics relevant to their field. Some outputs are of high quality with findings that are relevant. However, many students do not have venues to publish them. If there is a way to do it, they lack the confidence in the quality of their work. The research papers that undergrads conducted were never heard or seen again after they graduate.
There are several benefits that undergraduates could derive from publishing their research papers. First, undergraduates who proceed to graduate studies would have the experienced need in writing a scholarly paper. Second, published research work will give an edge to students applying for a graduate program. In addition, students who did not consider pursuing graduate studies might be motivated to do so after seeing his work published. This will boost his self-confidence to enroll in a master's degree program, according to The Rambler.
Most young people keep in their minds bright ideas that might come to the fore when they write their research papers. The role of the school is to encourage them to do scholarly works so that they will be able to have their work published and used for the welfare of mankind. For Queen's University Undergraduates, the "Data Journal" will bring them all these benefits.