Finding the right school for one's college education is an important task. Most students consider the ranking of the school highly important. However, ranking is not the only thing that matters. The student has to decide if the school ranks high for him or her. This means finding ways to know if he or she really wants to be in that school.

There are several steps to take in order to know if the school is the right one.

First, the student must design his own criteria in choosing a school. He should do this with the help of an adult, perhaps his parents or sibling. He should not start visiting schools before the list is finished. This will save money and time because the number of schools to be visited would be reduced, according to Forbes. The criteria listed will serve as a guide in finding the best school for him or her.

Next, the student must decide how he should be involved in class activities. If he wants to join discussions most of the time, small-sized classes will be right for him. But if he wants to be a silent observer, he can opt for a big-sized class.

Last, a school that is at the top of the list of all school might attract more students. But ranking is not everything. There are other things to consider. Students need to eat in the campus. This makes quality of food served in school a priority. A student who plans to live in the campus needs to be concerned with the dormitory. It must be clean and conducive to learning, according to College Express.

School ranking changes every year and students would stay there for four years. If the ranking of the school goes down after two or three years, the student cannot just leave and look for another high ranking school.