"Pokémon Sun and Moon" is once again live for another global mission, which has a slightly less lofty goal than the first global mission held just recently. The new global mission is now live which will culminate on Jan. 9.

Trainers will need to employ the Island Scan feature in a quest to locate 1 million Pokémon collectively. Island Scan, according to Polygon, is a tool that will allow players to locate rare Pokémon across Alola. The tool will become available to players after using the QR Reader at least five times in "Pokemon Sun and Moon."

The tool will also unlock if the players of "Pokémon Sun and Moon" amassed 100 points with the QR Reader; as a guide, ordinary Pokémon is worth 10 points each, while special Pokémon is worth 20 points. All participants of the "Pokémon Sun and Moon: Second Global Mission" must collectively rack up 1 million Pokémon finds before the deadline to be able to grab 2,017 Festival Coins. NOTE: Accounts that are attached to Global Link will be rewarded 4,034 Festival Coins.

These Festival Coins can be used to purchase items in the Festival Plaza, the "Pokémon Sun and Moon's" online multiplayer area. All players must register their finds by locating the mission attendant in the area; this will also be a god place to check in on how everyone is progressing with their findings around the world.

Failure to meet the 1 million goal before Jan. 9 will mean participating players will still be compensated with 217 Festival Coins for their effort. The "Pokémon Sun and Moon's" first global mission was a massive failure where players didn't even come close to the goal, catching only 16.4 million, which is far off from the 100 million goal.

"Pokémon Sun and Moon" second global challenge is easier but...

Scanning for 1 million Pokémon in "Pokémon Sun and Moon" seems much more feasible than catching them. However, there is a catch.

Only Pokémon caught and defeated that have been found with the Alolan Island Scan feature will count towards the targeted total. As said above, the tool is unlocked after garnering 100 points from scanning QR Codes, Digital Spy reported.