David Kyem was still wearing his Halloween getup Monday when he caused numerous 911 calls that lead to a campus-wide lockdown, but he posed no threat, had no weapons and apologized for the misunderstanding.

According to the Hartford Courant, police confirmed Kyem, a 21-year-old senior at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), posed no real threat and he was charged with breaching the peace and released on $1,000 bond. Kyem, son of a CCSU professor, apologized for the misunderstanding and offered a detailed reasoning to why he was dressed that way.

"I'm sorry for all the commotion and the fear and the confusion," he said. "I'm sorry for any problems. It's obviously a big misunderstanding."

Kyem had spent the weekend at the University of Connecticut and returned to CCSU in his Halloween costume because all of the pieces could not fit in his backpack. The sword sheath, the gun holster and the vest were part of the costume, which included a mask, an orange shirt and camouflage pants.

He said a friend drove him back to New Britain, the town of CCSU's campus. He took a bus from downtown to campus and from there on, the trouble ensued.

A Marine veteran and former police officer, 28-year-old senior Nicholas Federici saw Kyem and followed suspiciously at a distance and was one of many to call 911.

"I could see a tactical vest - something I wore when I was on the SWAT team and in the Marine Corps," said Federici. "These vests have a place to put your handgun. I could clearly see where the holster was and there was a handle coming out consistent with a semiautomatic handgun."

Police arrived shortly after Kyem entered James Hall, his residence building, and headed to his dorm room to change for a business meeting. At noon, shortly after he entered the building, the lockdown was ordered.

Kyem was one of the many people on campus wondering who the person was that caused the lockdown, until his phone started ringing.

"My first thought was, 'Oh gosh, what's going on?'" he said. "My friends started calling me and saying, 'Hey Dave, I think somebody got your Halloween costume confused with a gunman.'"

Kyem and his two roommates, originally classified as "persons of interest," were taken into custody after being ordered to exit their dorm room.

Kyem said his costume was that of the G.I. Joe character Snake Eyes and his equipment was "all fake."

CCSU police chief Chris Cervoni said at a press conference following the lockdown, but preceding Kyem's comments, that the Halloween costume theory was very possible. He also said the situation was not seen as a prank because it caused real concern.