The upcoming episodes of "Dragon Ball Super" anime series is set to feature more action and adventure, as Son Goku will fight against the three mighty villains, Hit, Champa and Arale Norimaki.

Arale, who is Akira Toriyama's creation and is the protagonist in "Dr Slump," is set to fight Goku in the forthcoming "Dragon Ball Super" episode 69. In case DBS fans are wondering how Arale and Goku's paths cross in the upcoming episode 69 of "Dragon Ball Super," Goku will be hired as a part-time guard during the World Inventors Award event.

Dr. Mashirito is predicted to attack an award winner Norimaki out of jealousy. Goku, on the other hand, naturally responds being one of the guards for the event. In spite of that, since Arale is with Dr. Mashirito, a fight between Arale and Goku ensues in the upcoming episode 69 of the popular anime series, according to Blasting News.

It is hinted that the young girl Arale may be stronger compared to Goku since the "Dr. Slump" character is an android. Rumor has it that Goku may have a hard time to win in their battle, Attack of the Fanboy reported.

Meanwhile, there are already rumors for the other upcoming episode 70 of "Dragon Ball Super." Episode 70 may be filler episodes in the future where all the Dragon Ball characters are not threatened by any dangers. However, some reports claim that the upcoming "Dragon Ball Super" episode 70 will feature challenging villains.

"Dragon Ball Super" episode 70 is said to feature the fight between Son Goku and Champa in the court game. From this episode, the main protagonist is said to win together with his team's effort.

The air date of "Dragon Ball Super" episode 69 is slated for Dec. 4, 2016. While "Dragon Ball Super" is titled 'Champa's Challenge! This Time We Face Off In Baseball!

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