The anime series "Dragon Ball Super" will be launched in Toonami Asia on Jan. 21, 2017. The popular TV series will have a sneak peek preview of the first episode on Dec. 17.

The airing of the anime series will be the international English dub premiere. The television network is streaming a clip from the episode with an English dub. A number of "Dragon Ball Super" fans, including Toonami Asia, thought the English dub of the anime series would be ready back in July or August. Now, the network has made it widely known that this version of the series will telecast on January 2017.

It's worth mentioning that this English version of the series is not the same to the one that entertainment company Funimation is also working on. The dub of the entertainment company is what most people in North America will be familiar with. In spite of that, there's no word yet as to when the North American dub will fire up, according to Attack Of The Fanboy.

On the other hand, the episode 69 of the anime series features Son Goku working as a security guard at World Inventors Award, wherein the event will tribute the best inventors in the world. The most renowned scientists, such as the father of Bulma, are going to be present in the "Dragon Ball Super" event.

The World Martial Arts Champion Mr. Satan will be responsible for the ceremony. It has been speculated that the prize will be won by Arale Norimaki. With that, Doctor Mashirito attacks him for the reason that the character feels frustrated for not being invited to the ceremony. After their collision, rumor has it that Arale and Goku are going to fight, Blasting News reported.

That being the case, Arale is an android little girl with a purple hair and very thick glasses created by Senbie Norimaki. The little girl is very energetic and possesses a superhuman strength.

Watch The "Dragon Ball Super" Video Here: