Our DNA carries the genetic instruction for the growth of every cell in our body.
Recent research focusing on genetics found out that a person's DNA has an impact on their traits related to their education. This study is called educational genomics.
Educational genomics is a relatively new field, and its concepts are explored by Dr. Darya Gaysina, a lecturer in Psychology at the University of Sussex.
According to the research, the learning style or strategy applicable to each individual varies, that's because the learning ability of each person differs and their genes play a key role in this learning process. It is thought that there will come a time when educational genomics can be used by educational organizations to create a curriculum based on a student's DNA profile.
A number of studies show how genetic variants contribute to a person's ability to learn, their memory and academic achievement. These information are very useful when it comes to determining what techniques are most effective to increase a student's ability in mathematics or reading perhaps. It will also help in predicting a student's likelihood to succeed in a specific field or area, so that the strengths of the students can be further nurtured in the schools.
Genetics has not been much of a focus on education until these past few years when genetics were used to predict potential health issues in later life. These studies allowed doctors to alter and customize their approach when it comes to the prevention and treatment of various cases for each individual patient.
The study on educational genomics is just the beginning of an opportunity for a child to achieve their maximum potential, although you also have to take note that the environment plays a significant part in the development of a child. Education genomics is geared towards discovering the relationship of DNA to different environments to come up with a more effective approach to education.