Nintendo Switch fans were almost fooled by a video presenter when he showed a real size replica. The fake Switch was later revealed to be constructed using CNC.

YouTube Presenter Etika Reveals "Own" Nintendo Switch

Etika recently showed a supposedly "Nintendo Switch" mobile device complete with the Joy-cons accessory. However, suspicions were aroused that the gaming device was fake. Etika also merely showed the device but did not attempt to operate or at least turn it on.

Nintendo Switch Replica Came From CNC Design

The original YouTube video was taken down but a number of watchers managed to save it and circulate it online. Etika followed it up with another YouTube video showing a more realistic looking Nintendo Switch. However, the creator of the replica, Frank Sanqvist quickly admitted that he made the fake Switch in Etika's behalf. He also made detailed explanation on how he crafted the Nintendo replica using 3D printing and an assortment of process. The video of his confession and how he created the 3D Switch replica could be seen here.

Sandqvist and the rest of the CNC Design team did not have an actual Switch on hand. They did base it on the images shown in the Nintendo Switch video reveal. First, they design the replica through CAD and then created the actual item via 3D printing. The replica parts were then sanded and underwent a UV printer for that smooth ebony color. The fake Switch screen was made from clear acrylic sheets.

Needless to say, the CNC Design team were successful in creating a real looking Nintendo Switch. It's a hallow replica however, there are no electronics inside. This is the probably the reason why Etika could only wave the replica but not play with. Nintendo Switch fans would have to wait for the real thing on March 2017 which is only a few months away.