Sony's PlayStation 4 Pro has been known to have some connectivity issues with certain 4K televisions. Here are some quick guides on how to make sure that the UHD HDR TV you are planning to buy is compatible with the PS4 Pro.

TV Size And User's Purpose

Interestingly, Sony reportedly encourages PS4 Pro users to get the 60 inch TV set size or bigger; however, the size best suited for the living room will depend on its size and buyer's budget as well. 4K TV prices are certainly going down but they are not cheap. 4K TV that will mainly be used for game or for streaming video can also make a difference on the specs that best suits the buyer's need, according to videogamerplus.

4K TV Should Have the HDR10 Standard

It is important to note that 4K Television sets either support HDR 10, Dolby or both, but Sony's PlayStation 4 Pro only supports the HDR10. To add to the confusion, TV manufacturers have their own name for the HDR 10 as LG TV use the term HDR Pro, Sony terms it 4K HDR while Samsung refers to it as SUHD. However, make sure that the "HDR" TV uses the 10-bit panel and not the 8-bit. The most common resolution for a UHD 4K TV is at least 3840p x 2160p.

Choose The 4K TV With The Lowest Input Lag

It's natural to have some input lags, particularly when the HDR and 4K mode is switched on. Make sure that 4k TV input lag does not exceed 40ms or at least get the one that has a Game mode option.

A Word On 8-Bit Panel

8-Bit Panel TV owners can still play the PS4 Pro with it. Unfortunately, players will not get the full HDR viewing quality but a much cutback version of it. However, the AFRC 8-bit panel TV does a good a job of imitating HDR10 quality. It's also much cheaper alternative for those who don't want to spend a fortune in getting the real HDR 10 TV.