Pew Research Center's data suggest that voters who are college-educated leaned more to the Democratic side and non-college educated voters to the Republican. The survey indicates that there is 10 percent more Democratic in 2016 than they were in 2012. On the other hand, non-college whites grew 14% more Republican. Donald Trump is favored with the "Diploma divide" support.
Racial and ethnicity count a lot in Donald Trump's victory. Racial resistance, anti-Muslim behavior, and white identity, strongly predicted the support for Trump in the 2016 event than for Republican nominees in the past. His somewhat different personality than the ones that came before him matters a lot too.
Donald Trump's attitudes towards racism were highlighted in his presidential campaign by showing bluntly the Whites' preferences when dealing with the rest of the races in the country. This was strongly debated between Trump and Clinton than in the past rivalry for the presidency, according to Washington Post
Education also influenced the racial attitudes mentioned. White people that have the college education or living in highly educated areas are the ones that can tolerate racism compared to uneducated Whites. The relationship between education and racial attitudes clearly shows the education gap in the support of the white race for Trump.
Less educated whites are basically more negative on issues like African-Americans and consenting to immigrants than the educated whites. Education gap in white support for Trump is non-partisan, not ideology-driven, not authoritative, not sexist, not income related, and not an economic anxiety result. Simply a racial attitude matter.
This is perhaps the reason why Donald Trump's claims he loves the poorly educated" and that he is pro-Brexit. The same scenario brought him to power as the Brexit campaign. He capitalized on those who are feeling that they don't matter much in society because of status but are great in number, according to Telegraph.