"Deadpool 2" is looking for a new director as Tim Miller has vacated the position on Oct. 21. The official reason was creative difference between him and the movie's star Ryan Reynolds.

"Deadpool 2" Director - Star Conflict?

Officially, Miller's leaving the production was described as "amicable"; however, a movie insider claimed that the two could barely talk to one another ever since the first "Deadpool" movie attained commercial success.

The conflict reportedly started when Reynolds successfully negotiated a huge pay check for reprising his role in "Deadpool." The studio also gave him a say with regards to the production of the deal. This is where the conflict started, according to The Wrap.

"Deadpool 2" - Stylized Version Or Stick To Basics?

Miller was pushing for the sequel to have more special effects than the first installment, according to io9. Reynolds preferred to stick more on the humor side with sans the special effects that Miller is selling to the studio. Fox eventually sided with Reynolds, which possibly caused Miller to leave the production.

"Deadpool 2" - Why Studio Stick With Reynolds

The Studio sided with Reynolds' visions against Miller's for obvious reasons. The one proposed by Reynolds does not cost as much as the one Miller is proposing. It could be recalled that the first "Deadpool" movie had a modest budget but made a killing at the box office.

Reynolds also has the backing of the screenwriters. Besides, "Deadpool 2" with lots of special effects does not guarantee a box office hit since Reynolds and his timely delivery of humor and antics contributed immensely to the success of "Deadpool." It makes financial sense for the Studio to try the true and tested way that cost less money against something new and expensive with no guarantee.

"Deadpool 2" Release Date

"Deadpool 2" is currently in the early stages of production and no official release date as of press time. However, with Miller leaving the production, it seems the potential release date will be moved even further.