Samsung launched its second-generation platform, a year after launching its loT platform Artik, which has an extended functioning through the use of Artik Cloud. A dedicated application processor was also especially developed for the new loT platform.

The Samsung Electronics' Device solution brance will gear towards introducing the new Artik platform. The second-generation Artik-platform will be using a sophisticated application processor engineered only for loT use cases, unlike the first-generation loT solution which uses the Exynos smartphone SoC. The advantage of this is its effect on connectivity improvement, as well as its compatibility with various interfaces for loT products, according to Artik.

The Samsung lineup has Artik 1, Artik 5, and Artik 10, thus making Artik 7 a new addition to the family. The Artik 1 is a loT solution meant for wearables, Artik 5 is designed for home hubs and smart cameras, while the Artik 10 takes care of home servers and multimedia players, Sam Mobile reported.

Additionally, the Artik 5's function can be found in the middle of Artik 5 and Atik 10's abilities. There is also a plan to also have Artik 0 to the lineup, in order to further develop ultra-low power wearables and biodevices.

According to one representative from the industry, Samsung Electronics made it a strategy to market Artik platforms on individuals and businesses. Achievement of success is not impossible once Samsung takes on its advantages for loT market, a milestone that was not yet attained by Samsung Electronics in its previous years of existence.

Samsung made its Artik platform to be compatible with Microsoft Azure and the self-data collecting system, SAMIIO. Sources mentioned that Samsung did receive bulk order for Artik 5 from one global IT firm, a first of its kind for Samsung. Intel, Qualcomm, and Texas Instruments are also upgrading their loT technologies to match up with Samsung's Artik platform.

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