Happy Ada Lovelace Day 2016: Who Is Academic, Ada Lovelace In Science And Technology? [VIDEO]
ByToday is the celebration of the Ada Lovelace Day 2016. But even with loud cheers and proclamations in the science and technology community, others are not very much familiar with the fancy name Ada Lovelace. Who then is the academic Ada Lovelace whom we have accounted the celebration for?
The Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of women figures in science and technology. The women referred to here are the ones who have either contributed greatly or simply helped in pursuing the vision of science and technology in many academic domains in the world. Big or small, it's the woman action that matters.
The official schedule of the international celebration falls on every 2nd Tuesday of October. Eventually, the scope of the celebration extends beyond engineering and mathematics, so that it helps highlight the profile of women within STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in general, Forbes reported.
Despite having founded by Suw Charman Anderson 7 years ago, many students and even some academics are not entirely familiar with Ada Lovelace. Thus, it is always important to do a quick revisiting of the source of the name.
Historically, Ada Lovelace is the daughter of famous and celebrated poet, Lord Byron. She was born on December 10, 1815. At already a tender age, Ada had achieved high mathematical knowledge. She was indeed a gifted child at her time.
Despite all these, Ada was not taken seriously in the society. Apparently, women were really not fortunate in terms of a gaining a social weight during the period. Still, Ada perfected and innovated with mathematical formulas for gambling. Ultimately, she gained the title of being the first ever female computer programmer and young academic at the time, the Sun reported.
Ada died on November 27, 1852 due to uterine cancer.
In honor to Ada's bravery and mathematical gift, the U.S. Department of Defense was the first to credit her work by using naming their newly developed computer language "Ada" in 1980, the Sun again reported.