"The Flash" Season 3 premiere certainly delivered on its promise that "Flashpoint" will be immediately tackled, and new challenges and villains for Barry will be introduced. The altered timeline was corrected in the very first episode.

The first episode of "The Flash" Season 3 features Barry Allen taking on the changes in the new timeline. Barry is on a high with both his parents still alive, and a promising relationship with Iris West on the horizon

Although there are good things in favor to Barry, there are also cons. Joe West seems to have sunk to a degree of depression, and seems to be alienating himself from his job as a police detective and as a father to Iris and Wally.

In Episode 1, "Kid Flash" was introduced. Barry discovered that Wally West is the new Flash, and he learned that the speedster arch-nemesis is known as the"The Rival."

As Barry uses his powers, bits and pieces of his memories from the original timeline suddenly vanishes. The Reverse Flash warns Barry that sooner or later, he will be absorbed completely in the altered timeline.

Not heeding Eobard Thawne's advice, he made several poor decisions, that resulted in the near death of Wally West, which in turn brought him to the painful decision of asking Thawne to kill his mother again to correct the timeline.

"The Flash" Season 3 Episode 2 will be titled, "Paradox,"Spoiler TV reported. It is a direct callback to the original comic book title of the adapted story arc, "The Flashpoint Paradox."

"The Flash" Season 3 Episode 2 will introduce a new character, Julian Albert. If you are a "Harry Potter" fan, for you know this actor. Tom Felton, portrayed Draco Malfoy joins the series.

Malfoy will portray the role of Julian. This character is Barry's new colleague, who seems to be not too fond of Central City's favorite CSI.

During the interview wuth Entertainment Weekly, showrunner Andrew Kreisberg reveals that "Flashpoint" will be resolved at some stage. However, its changes will be present throughout the entire season.