"American Horror Story" Season 6, titled Roanoke, Episode 4 was premiered on on Wednesday, October 5, at 10pm EST on the FX network. Lady Gaga's character is still haunting the couple, Shelby (Sarah Paulson, re-enactor) and Matt Miller (Cuba Gooding Jr., re-enactor).

Is Flora dead? That could be the question of "AHS" fans. There's no need to worry as the little girl is alive. The mysterious woman (Lady Gaga) continues to haunt and destroying the relationship of the couple.

The Chapter 4 starts off with Shelby arguing with her hubby, Matt, who has no idea (or can't remember what happened because he was under the spell of the mysterious woman) about Shelby's accusation. No matter how she is, her husband doesn't know what has really happened.

After the argument, "Piggy Man" appears in the bathroom and attacked Shelby. As the couple finds a way to escape, a man in the mysterious video, Dr. Cunningham saved them.

The doctor, who became the owner of the house, reveals the history of the paranormal activity, which is based on his experience. He reveals Thomasyn is responsible for the disappearances of the past owners of the house, even the killer nurses.

Sadly, the doctor killed by Thomasyn's men when they went to the woods to find Flora. The couple runs back into the house, and the psychic, Cricket (Leslie Jordan).

Cricket revealed why the mysterious woman wants Matt. Since she is responsible why the mysterious woman seduces Matt with the help of her spell, she promises the couple she will help them find Flora.

As Cricket is travelling back to her hotel, she finds Flora. However, the kid runs away into the woods, so she chases her.

The Tomasyn "The Butcher" White (Kathy Bates) and other Thomasyn's men appears in Miller's house, threatening them to kill Flora. "The Butcher" failed to hurt Flora because a ghost girl saved her.

Sadly, Cricket disemboweled by a mob led by "The Butcher."

To watch "American Horror Story: Roanoke," click this link.

Meanwhile, FX renewed "AHS" for its seventh installment, according to Deadline. So expect more episodes of "AHS" next year.

Topics Lady gaga