Snapchat sunglasses video is recorded in a circular format, since the company's CEO Evan Spiegel believes that the rectangle and square form that the videos and photos have now are fragments of previous photos printed on paper. Also, Spiegel has reportedly been testing the Spectacle for a year, while the company has been developing it for years.

Snapchat sunglasses are reported to record when the button near the hinge will be tapped, with every tap recording up to 10 seconds of video from its 115-degree-angle lens. On the other hand, the lens was created wider compared to smartphone cameras, which more closely reflects the natural view of the human eyes.

Snapchat confirms a pair of sunglasses called Spectacles, which is able to record 10 seconds of video at a time. According to reports, the company's first hardware product will be available at $130 and will be released this fall in three color variants, which are coral, black and teal. Also, the video can be synced to any paired smartphone, wirelessly.

Snapchat's Spectacles are also referred to as a toy and with that, it appears that the best use of the device is to wear it outdoors. Reports suggest that the company takes a slow approach in releasing with limited distribution, same as the Google Glass, Mac Rumors reported.

Meanwhile, Snapchat ensures that every user of its app is being a responsible citizen. Since Millennials are reportedly using the app heavily, non-profit groups are not reaching out to them through the service to register to vote.

The current appeal to register through Snapchat started on Sept. 15 and ends on Oct. 7. Also, mashable announces that ads are going to be displayed to those that are 18 years of age.

Mashable states that the ads are only being displayed to those who are 18 years and above. This move to reach out to younger voters through the Snapchat is expected since the service is being used by 41 percent of people aged 18 to 34 years old in the United States, Techtimes reported.

Watch the video about introducing spectacles:

Topics Snapchat