A massive player of "Pokemon Go" are having trouble catching 'em all since the mobile game's controversial new update. Players are furious for the reason that it seems to be harder to catch wild Pokemon than ever.

Niantic, the developer of Pokemon, made it known that the change was not intentional. It's not a feature, but rather it's a bug and it is working on a fix in spite of its earlier communication.

The official Twitter account of "Pokemon Go" pitched in a post addressed to Trainers stating that a new bug affecting throw accuracy maximizes the odds of escape and eliminates the XP bonus. And they are working on fixing it, so players must stay tuned.

The game developer learned the hard way that by not giving information about major gameplay changes is not good for Pokemon players. The ratings of the game on the iTunes App Store dropped straight down to just 1.5 stars (out of 5) in the United States and UK, because of thousands of angry reviews, according to CNET.

It turns out that as players were seeing Pokemon pop out of their Pokeballs more often, it appears to be harder hitting some Pokemon (even Pidgey) with their thrown Pokeballs.

However, while it may sound like the augmented reality game was made far harder intentionally to increase dependence on in-app purchases, it turns out that this is all a temporary malfunction, based on the report of Android Headlines.

On the other hand, there are mental health benefits that come as a benefit of playing Pokémon. Players are given the opportunity to evade their daily lives in hopes of mingling amongst other Pokemon players outside.

Also, children with extreme autism are showing enhanced social abilities. And gamers with nervousness and dejection are stimulated to leave their homes and starting to feel at ease socializing, Huffington Post reported.

These benefits have never before been found with conventional and inactive types of gaming.

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