Ai Ai Tomo was the only Street Fighter player to ever take Juri into the top eight bracket of an EVO, and though Yossan didn't travel as much, he was the highest ranking Juri player in Japanese arcades.

Yossan was in deep respect as one of the fiercest competitors to play the character in the video game, "Street Fighter 4."

Both Ai Ai and Yossan have wasted no time in getting to know Juri, as she plays in "Street Fighter 5." Though both characters have much more in the fifth franchise Juri development ahead of them, they're already showing off some ostentatiously impressive play with her, according to Event Hubs.

The publication site corroborated the above statement by saying that the video game company - Capcom, has already gone live with Street Fighter's latest update and brought Juri to the character select screen. A player can now officially engage in activity through her story, take on the trials or a gamer can test their luck online with the slick quarrelsome woman.

Gamers must make sure to take a look at her official character introduction as well as the game play round and tutorial.

However, along with Juri, players will be able to get the possession of the story mode of Juri and premium costumes, as well as the new Summer outfits for Laura, Ibuki and Cammy. Each premium costume will cost $3.99 and Juri's story alternate outfit will hit players with 40,000 Fight Money.

Anyway, Capcom revealed an update to the game's Facebook page that as the fans of "Street Fighter 5" were aware that Juri arrived on July 26, but not everyone will be getting the character. In some European countries, Juri can only be acquired by using in-game Fight Money, VG 247 reported.

This set of circumstances will not change until August 1, after which, Juri will be up for grabs on the PlayStation Store for purchase with real cash, along with the character's costumes.

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