"Pokémon Go" Servers apparently went down worldwide for the second time on Saturday. This time, a hacker group claims responsibility for temporarily halting players from accessing the game.

"Pokémon Go" servers appeared to have crashed for several hours on Saturday, which left millions of active users to unable to access their data from the game, Independent reported.

Players from the U.S., as well as across Europe, were unable to play the game or in some cases the game kept on freezing during gameplay. The hacker group called "PoodleCorp" is allegedly behind the "attack."

While it is still unclear whether "PoodleCorp" is to blame, a breach of security altogether, or was it just coincidental. Some analysts claim that it was possible that the servers were just unable to accommodate the surge of traffic; analysts might be pertaining to the game's recent launch in Canada, and in most of Europe.

"PoodleCorp" insists that they were responsible for the breach, and claims that the group managed to block users from accessing the servers by way of DDOS attack, ComicBook reported.

Since Saturday's server breakdown, Niantic Labs. had responded by stating that it has identified the problem, and was able to fix the issue, though it has failed to identify the specific problem that left millions of players from playing "Pokémon Go."

A few hours after lunchtime, it was apparent that the game's servers were back online, and the service returned to normal operations. This was the second time that the servers went down. The first incident came shortly after launching in the United States, according to Forbes.

Last week, it was expected that the game was going to roll out worldwide, but due to recent events, it may have revealed a flaw in the game developer's system. Following the alleged attack, Niantic Labs. have stated that it will pause the worldwide release of the game while it focuses on fortifying the servers' integrity.