More fake and malicious "Pokémon Go" apps have surfaced online, as discovered by the security firm, ESET.

These apps are scattered online specifically aimed for users whom seek tips, guides or cheats for the game. A specific copycat has been identified to lock users' phone screen, Gizmodo reported.

While some are just harmless copycats, which only seek to get downloads, but some are more harmful than once expected. ESET had identified a particular copycat, "Pokémon Go Ultimate," has been reportedly locking users' phone screen, which wouldn't be accessed even with a simple reboot.

The malicious app has been revealed to overlay itself onto the system windows, which directly results in a locked screen. ESET advised users with the compromised device to directly pull out the device's power supply, or opt to terminate the application using the Android Device Manager, if possible.

Although terminating the app wouldn't solve all of its harmful effects as it has been also identified to run in the background, and automatically "clicks" on porn advertisements.

The security firm advices to terminate running applications, and completely delete the fake app. It has not been stated that a complete factory reset is necessary, but the security firm has yet to identify all activity of these malicious apps, Computer World reported.

The malicious apps are discovered to be scattered on Google Play's online store, which the security firm cites that it may have spread faster than it has managed to identify its publishers.

While most apps are easily deleted when users have managed to bypass the locked screen, but it still raises the concern over the popularity of the original game. Users have been revealed to opt for an illegal version of the game, or even go for third-party applications for the purpose of cheating the game, according to the Inquisitr.

"Pokémon Go" has only been launched in a few countries as of late, but it is expected that the game would launch to more countries soon. It seems that ill-intent publishers have beat Nintendo and Niantic Labs to it.