What's a-Brewin...

Several fifth-graders from Our Lady of Victory Catholic School (OLV) literally had all their jaws dropping after having witnessed the Pennsylvania State University IST undergrad Sean Davis' robot solve the Rubik's cube in no less than 3 seconds or more. And the secret to the achievement: a blueprint to robotics and artificial intelligence, of course!

The elementary students toured to Pennsylvania State University to participate in a coding class-intended workshop held at the university's DATA lab.

At the end of the workshop, the fifth-graders were left overwhelmed, speechless and bespectacled by the genius of Davis' creation. Most of the students commented that their imaginations were instantly ignited by the invention.

Davis claimed to have built the robot using basic solid Legos and computer code-generating software. And by saying code-generating software, we mean the bigger and all-familiar concept of AI (artificial intelligence), the Penn State News reported.

With a research funded by the National Science Foundation, Davis and Tucker (the DATA operator) couldn't be much happier to see the power of technology shaping the dreams of the children of tomorrow.

The Genius Decoded

There had been countless feats achieved in the field of technology, specifically in artificial intelligence, Newsday reported.

More and more answers from age-old questions are reported to continually point to the direction of artificial intelligence.

AI, as technology and engineering experts would put it, mothers every possible tool for survival in the future. Thus, without AI whatsoever, all efforts for engineering and robotics will fall in vain. Even technology giants namely Sony, Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung, etc. are still presently baffled by technology's expeditious evolution towards self-learning, Newsday again reported.

With all these realities deemed to have been etched in the children's consciousness, Davis and the entire PennState team now stand confident over the next generation's potential to lead the future.

Technology vs. Man or Technology and Man?

But the biggest code yet to be cracked by all these technological achievements is the possibility that the machine's ability and resilience can be soundly practiced, adapted and controlled by human, the Phys Org reported.

Noting a potential danger, a list of science, engineering and humanities experts from academes around the globe are constantly ensuring a yin-yang between man and machine, Live Mint reported.

That there is a good chance for humans to practice the genius of computer coding system, like the robot's ability to tile the Rubik's cube in brief seconds, most humanities figures remain hopeful.

The PennState Promise

What remains clear and feasible as per PennState undergrad Davis' Rubik's cube-solving robot is an entire bulk of advancement in the future, whether be it on mental or physical aid. More so, Davis even hints that the exact framework for this invention can later expand from simple to complex tasks, like aiding patients with Parkinson's disease by monitoring tremor progressions in their body, Penn State News again reported.