"New Resident Evil 7: Beginning Hour" new demo was released, and gamers may find it scarier.

Probably, one of the best rumors that a gamer will hear is the return of Resident Evil. Kotaku reviewed the demo of the video game of Beginning Hour, and they said, the more you play the game, the more you feel the tone and mood old games.

Resident Evil is renown as a scary game due to the camera, in which design was combined with tanks controls and tight corridors, and pre-rendered background. There are also jumpscares, and what makes this game unique is it makes a gamer feels fragile because fragile as he may feel he cannot control the situation (of the game), and feel compromised.

Meanwhile, Resident Evil 7 also adopting Biohazard, which will be launched in the United Kingdom and the United States next year. The producer Masachika Kawata said that the new naming convention "ties the series together and makes a bigger impact." Tying the series does not mean it is a reboot, Kawata insisted.

Biohazard will come to virtual reality, and it seems it gives scare to gamers. PC Mag released a Resident Evil 7: Biohazard that shows the reaction of people who experienced playing the game in virtual reality.

Meanwhile, the director of the Resident Evil movie franchise Paul Anderson, said that the atmosphere matters because this is the reason why it is scary. He was impressed with the texture and the detail of the graphics, and that is why he finds it amazing, and for him, it is a beautiful piece of work. He also hinted possibilities of making this game into a movie.

Biohazard is set to release on January 24, 2017. The media outlet said it is not advisable to try Resident Evil in VR because there are reports suggest the VR version is a bit nauseting because of the VR implementation.