'Dark Souls III' Pull-Out 2016: 'Dark Souls 3' Removes Anti-Hack Patch Due To Freezing, Bug [VIDEO]
By"Dark Souls III" patch released on Friday had been intended to fix the problems of hackers online transforming players into dragons either sending them back to their own world or sending them to Firelink Shrine. "Dark Souls III" hacks can be flagged as cheating even if someone forced this on your character. But this patch has been removed temporarily to fix the freeze issues which unintentionally turn into a bug.
The hackers on "Dark Souls 3" 'PC version' have been able to exploit the game's cheat recognition measures during multiplayer to impose momentary bans on other players who were also manufacturing framerates stutter, said Game Spot.
(ONAIR) Gather your torches and join me as we descend into the salt mines of Dark Souls III: https://t.co/KMH42P3iu8 pic.twitter.com/qtxa0b7fuv
— Warwitch (@WarwitchTV) May 12, 2016
Although, the update alleviated these bug issues, freezing emerged as an unintended side effect. In light of the patch being rolled back, the software developer has said victims of these tactics "won't be penalised" with bans. And if the players received an "Invalid Data" message, they may refer on following article guide in this link. They plan to release more anti-hacker update and new patch without freezing once this is issue is resolved.
Meanwhile, "Dark Souls 3" has shipped more than three million units worldwide. The entire Soul franchise has amassed past 13 million worldwide shipments. North America and Europe has been shipped with one and a half millions and one million copies of the third entry in the series, respectively. In Japan and Asia, 500,000 have been shipped, Game Spot reported.
"Dark Souls 3" has also scored 8 in Game Spot review where game critic Mike Mahardy said: The essence of "Dark Souls 3" is the periods of doubt then followed by great reward. Where the journey may be rocky but a throne is waiting at the end.