‘Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3’ Free Versions For PS4, Vita Feature Exclusive Team-up Bombshell Lady Kasumi, Bonus Swimsuit Content
BySooner this month, there will be no need to import Dead or Alive Extreme 3 for gaming fans. Least, players may download a free version with Japanese PSN account, which will provide free game experience with Kasumi and exclusive access to the bonus swimsuit downloadable content which can be shared to other versions later this month, a Famitsu reported.
Many are already excited to experience the free-to-play edition of the hot tropic simulator Dead or Alive Xtreme 3. Versions will be available in PS4 and Vita experience. Amid free and exclusive offers, for one, player will be able to partner with leading lady Kasumi in all modes except the casino mode where Casino Membership is required to participate in the Casino, the report added.
Here is an overview:
- Kasumi will be the only playable character with every feature available except for the Casino.
- Casino Membership will be required to play in the Casino.
- Each character's Character Rights are compulsory to play as characters other than Kasumi.
- You can't give swimsuit gifts to girls you do not possess the Character Rights to.
- Basic Free Version-exclusive downloadable content has to be procured individually.
- The bonus swimsuit downloadable content and the rest of the swimsuit free content can be shared with the paid edition.
- Players will be allowed to access the paid version using the save data from the Basic Free Version.
- Prices
- Character Rights: 1,200 yen (PS4); 1,100 yen (PS Vita)
- Casino Membership: 2,000 yen (PS4); 2,000 yen (PS Vita)
After Dead or Alive Xtreme 3's Japanese and Asian launch on March 24, it has sold about 190,000 units.
『デッド オア アライブ エクストリーム 3』5月16日に基本無料版の配信が決定! https://t.co/lagdFj9oS7 pic.twitter.com/KN4JhpvZXt
— ファミ通.com (@famitsu) May 6, 2016