Former Student Development and Activities Coordinator of Ashford University, Stacey Lynn Powers, has been charged with first degree theft for amassing over $10,000 from the University.

Powers, 28, is charged with making unauthorized cash withdrawals and debit card purchases from the Student Government Association account between January 2, 2009 and April 26, 2012.

She used the money for her personal use and not for any Ashford University related business.

Last year, May, a university official filed a police complaint about an internal theft. Subsequently, Powers was charged with a Class C Felony, January 31.

Powers' first court appearance was scheduled on Feb.1; however, the preliminary hearing was deferred by her attorney Robert McGee. Power's next court appearance has not yet been decided.

If convicted, she might face a maximum of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.00.

Student Government Association at Ashford University is the representative body of students, which hosts elections, social and cultural activities and special events in the campus.

The association is hosting WOC "Black Girls Rock" and Black History Month Music Showcase on Feb.27 and 28 at the Student Center and Mullany Theater, respectively.