More details have emerged regarding the shooting at Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Roseburg, Ore., while other details were confirmed.

According to The Associated Press, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum confirmed the death toll is currently 13 people, while at least 20 are injured. The Douglas County Sherriff's Office also confirmed the threat on UCC's campus passed. is offering an online live stream here.

Douglas County Sherriff John Hanlin said at a press conference the "shooter was neutralized" and was killed in a firefight with police. Hanlin said the officers that arrived on the scene "engaged [the shooter] near a classroom," but did not know whether he was in the classroom or outside it.

Hanlin also said there have no reports of any officers injured during the incident.

Gov. Kate Brown also gave a brief address at the press conference and stated the shooter was a 20-year-old male, but did not provide any further details. She also said the top priority at this time is treating the wounded and securing the UCC campus.

Hanlin indicated authorities would hold another press conference at 3 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET), presumably to disclose details of the shooting.

Mike Lane, assistant chief of the fire department in Roseburg, told The Washington Post the death toll could be as high as 15, but stressed that was an unconfirmed figure.

One witness who was inside the classroom, 18-year-old Kortney Moore, told The News-Review the shooter shot her teacher in the head through the door's window before entering. He then ordered everyone to get on the ground and asked individuals to stand and say what religion they practice, before he opened fire. learned law enforcement authorities are exploring UCC's campus, conducting a thorough investigation to ensure the threat is truly over.