University of Texas at Austin police arrested Nicholas Clisby, a McCombs School of Business human resources employee, this month for allegedly failing to register as a sex offender in the state.

Clisby, a registered sex offender in Oregon, was required by law to register within seven days of moving to Texas but reportedly did not, despite living in the state since 2023, according to The Daily Texan, the university's student newspaper. He started his position at the university in June.

He is scheduled to appear in court on Sept. 27.

Clisby, previously convicted in 2014 in Oregon for "using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct," claimed his conviction was "overturned" and he didn't need to register in Texas. However, Oregon officials told the outlet that there is no record of an appeal.

University spokesperson Mike Rosen told The Daily Texan that Clisbys employment was terminated after the school learned of his sex offender status and failure to register. The University conducted a background check before hiring him, but it did not reveal his complete criminal history.

Clisby is registered as a level-two sex offender in Oregon, though this level does not appear in the public database.